Places to go dawwwg

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

WoW! This game is awesome!

I know the pun in the title kinda sucked, but lets put that aside for a moment here. Now, I'm sure you all noticed the different banner at the top of the page by now - as in, its no longer the Mass Effect picture. Well, that my friends, is because I just got my good ol' World of Warcraft account back.

Just getting back into the game now, I couldn't be more happy. With all the new promotions that they have going, thorough recruiting my friends, and my friends recruiting me, and subscribing to the annual pass, I managed to score my main character a Spectral Gryphon mount, a Tyrael's Charger mount, and a free level 80 character!

I had an old Worgen Druid that I had only gotten to level 22, who is now level 83 because 'Scroll of Resurrection' promotion amped him up to level 80, and did some questing, although to be fair, I still really hate Deepholme. Looks awesome, and its really unique, but I just hate it as a zone. The quests kinda suck, and there are so many "Run here and kill x amount of these" over and over, that it drives me insane, but besides that, the gear is good.

I got the charger for subscribing to the World of Warcraft Annual Pass, basically committing to subscribing World of Warcraft for a year straight. Aswell as the mount, I also got Diablo 3 for free, and guaranteed access to the Mists of Pandaria beta. Pretty ballin if I do say so myself.

I also bought my friend back to WoW, getting myself the Spectral Gryphon and a free month of WoW time, because he bought a month as well. That's how he got his level 80 so fast, and we're leveling those characters together, as well as I'm doing a few dungeons and some pvp on the side.

Over-all, a lot has changed since I last played WoW. The "LFR", or "Looking for Raid" system has been implemented finally. I never got a chance to test it out yet, (not that I don't have the gear for it, just not the time, or really the desire either...). Looks pretty neat though, but I just don't want do die over and over in a PuG group. That sucks, I remember those days from back in Wrath. Jeez, I remember wiping constantly even in a guild. Sindragosa is probably my least favorite boss in that entire raid. Well, Festergut first, then Rotface, then Putricide, and THEN Sindragosa. Seriously, the entire Plague Wing can shove it. It was awful and the blizz devs should feel bad for making it.

Anyways, enough ranting. I'm glad to have WoW back, and its awesome knowing that other people are getting it back. Really fun, and I can't wait to give the beta for Mists of Pandaria a shot. Also, May 15th, is Diablo 3 day for me. Guess who's not coming to school that week? THIS GUY. But I'll save that for another post...

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